Before I ask my question, I want to ask: What is my host name for my godaddy account?. My main question is: Per CNN :. . .. The .Asia rollout shows in many ways how the .
I can access GoDaddy's phpmyadmin and can see my database. It's fine and contains the necessary data. I
what is my godaddy host name
used Godaddy's hostname in the settings.php file so the $db_url line now .
. am trying to set up sendmail so that it will relay to Godaddy . "host name lookup failure" "The Google" lead me to a page that . As a subscriber of A.T.T. DSL for my broadband .
mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) OR DIE (' unable to connect to . had such problems connecting to a database. c I used dreamweaver to create my site & go daddy .
One configuration that can be changed is the host name, which . How Do I Let Outside Connections Access My Apache Server? . How to Change
DNS Servers at Go Daddy
The A record IP points to another IP address, possibly the GoDaddy domain registrar. So possibly my . Entering "@" for the host name is the same as entering your domain .
The next step is to associate my GoDaddy DNS settings with this new dynamic hostname. If I could just set the Root what is my godaddy host name ARecord (@) to mddubs.getmyip.com I'd be done but, of course .
In particular, my host (GoDaddy) provides the ability to create a 'Sub Domain', which . any subdomain, you want to create an A record or host record for the host name .
I asked a question earlier today, and got a few answers. One of which linked me to a nice looking tutorial for how to set up a form/database. I have two files, a .
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