  effective half life dictionary
effective half life dictionary Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary . biological half-life) or removed by both elimination and decay (effective half-life)

Radiation Dictionary; Fact Sheets; CRCPD Roundtable Materials; Other Resources . Effective half-life: the time required for the amount of a radionuclide deposited in a .

Definition and other additional information on Half-life from dictionary. . half-life refers to biological elimination from the body and effective half-life .

The effective half-life of a given isotope is the time in which the quantity in the . "half-life." A Dictionary of Earth Sciences .'s Mobile Apps Ad-Free, effective half life dictionary Offline Content, Audio . of biological elimination processes and radioactive decay. Also called effective half-life.

life, effective half-, n See half-life, effective. Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, � Random House, Inc . of biological elimination processes and radioactive decay. Also called effective half-life

For example, low doses of vitamin C are retained in the body and have an effective half-life of somewhere between eight and forty days.

effective half-life [

half-life (h f l f, h�f-) n. 1. Physics The time required for half the nuclei in a sample of a specific isotopic species to undergo radioactive decay.

Effective half-life, the effective radioactive half-life in organisms after accounting for excretion; Half-Life (series), a video game series by Valve

Definition of effective half-life. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and Includes medical terms and definitions.

effective effective half life dictionary half-life 25. effective half life: 26. elixir of life 27. estate for life . Dictionary Search: Home Customize Browse Dictionaries Reverse Dictionary Help .

effectiveness definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary . effective half-life, effectively drained, effectiveness < Prev | Next > effective number of .

Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary . effective half-life effective half-life effective half-life Effective Health Care

Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary . effective half-life effective half-life Effective Health Care Effective Health Care Alliance .

Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary . biological
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