They're joined by rookie actor Kevin Sandusky (JAY BARUCHEL) on the set of "Tropic Thunder . WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: R For pervasive language including sexual references, violent .
Tropic Thunder (2008): Watch the trailer, read reviews, and find nearby showtimes on Triangle.com.
Brightcove ID: 659784402001 BC Wiki-Link: [[bc:659784402001|??]] Angelegt am . Tropic Thunder Trailer Rated R
Es ist sicher keine �bertreibung, wenn man behauptet, dass nichts in Tropic Thunder so lustig . �rgerlich ist jedoch, dass Paramount nur die R-Rated auf DVD ver�ffentlicht, also .
In Deutschland erschien Tropic Thunder auf DVD lediglich in der Kinofassung. Die Blu-ray enth�lt exklusiv den Director's Cut. Verglichen wurde die Kinofassung (R-Rated/FSK 16) mit .
For 2008, the film was the fifth-highest-grossing domestic R-rated film. The film's U.S. and Canada gross of over $110 million made Tropic Thunder Stiller's most successful film as .
Ben Stiller's big R-rated summer comedy, . For an tropic thunder rated r R-rated comedy designed to deliver offensive yuks, it's ironic that the furor over Tropic Thunder should come down to one .
Collider had the chance to speak to Michael Bacall (Scott Pilgrim vs The World) to get an update on the "Tropic Thunder" spin-off that would revolve around Les Grossman, the .
rated-r trailer of tropic trhunder starring ben stiller robrt downey jr. jack black
F�r die �berdrehte Action-Kom�die
Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr. lead an ensemble cast in
Ryan S wrote: Has anyone Heard anything about the upcoming movie called Tropic Thunder? Its rated R but it has Jack Black, Ben Stiller, and Robert Downey
In the action-comedy "Tropic Thunder," Ben Stiller plays pampered action superstar Tugg . Rated: R
Tropic Thunder summary of box office results,
charts and release information and related links. . Rated R: 84: Rated R, Opening Weekends: 87: Widest Releases: 215: Widest Opening Releases
My friends and I wanna see it! It looks soo funny!! But we are only 14. My dad said he would take us if it isn't tropic thunder rated r too bad. Why (in detail please) is it rated R?
If that material alone isn't enough to keep you away, then "Tropic Thunder" has enough "insider" humor to make serious film fans bust a gut. Grade: B Rated R for pervasive .
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